Friday, October 31, 2014


 As part of RNIS's Healthy living month
As part of Bupa's best blog competition for 2015

It is important not to get too drunk. Each year many first year International students get too drunk whilst in Australia because they are not used to our drinking culture and the standard cup sizes. So here is a guide to help you.

How much should I have in a day?

Men= not more than 4 standard drinks per day
Women= not more than two.

Don't drink every day as it is not good for your live, skin and cells. Do drink occasionally like once every three weeks.

There are light, mild and heavy beers. For the light ones you can have one glass. There are cocktails which have a little less alcohol in them.

What are the effects of drinking too much?
There are several such as being too violent, crashing, feeling faint and the list goes on and on. It is an offense to be drunk in a public place and if you are drunk in a public place then you can be fined $5000 for it.

It is also an offense to be driving whilst you are drunk. It does take at least 1-3 hours for your alcohol to have digested. In Victoria you must have 0.00 (L and P plates) or 0.05 (fully licensed) blood alcohol limit to be able to drive.

So the message is: try not to get drunk. You can always say no at the beginning of the shout by saying that "I'm not going to drink!". You could also say that "I will be working the next day and I need a clear head". Or "I am driving".

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